Friday, October 30, 2009


wktu ni kiteorg nk g seminar pecutan akhir spm 2009..
seminar ni diadakn di dewan jubli perak di bangunan sub, shah alam, selangop..
yg dtg ni sume dr seluruh selangor lbh kurang dlm 3 ribu owg yg hadir
yg ambl spm taun ni..
ceramah ni diadakn bg mmbantu calon spm senang mengetahui bentuk2 soaln yg akn kluar..


Ni la ari lg indah dlm idop ak..
ari ni adalh ari graduation SMK CHERAS JAYA KALI KE 7..
Majlis ni di adakn di GMI(german malaysian institute).. tibe kt cni lbh kurang kul 8 pg..
yg terlibat sume dak form 5..
mse smpi kt cni mmg terasa mcm da graduate universiti..haha..
ni la kngn yg plg terindah sblm tamat skull..
haha, poyo jew ayat.. btw ak ucpkn gud luck sume dak2 yg nk ambl spm da..

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

i like to reading the twilight series..

Twilight story about Bella Swan reluctantly moved to the perpetually overcast town of Forks, WA, and set out to carve a niche for herself, she assumed it would be one similar to the low-profile social position she held back in Phoenix. First on the list of surprises was the unfamiliar attention from the male population of her new high school; second, the attention from one male in particular: Edward Cullen, Vampire. Before long, the unlikely soul mates find themselves in a passionate relationship with a variety of significant setbacks, including Edward's special-needs diet (he doesn't eat humans, but Bella's scent inspires a nearly impossible to harness bloodlust) and the human girl's mortality. Though things proceed relatively smoothly at first (Edward even introduces Bella to his adoptive vampire family), a visiting vampire clan consisting of James, Victoria, and Laurent catches Bella's unique scent and threatens the young couple's budding, if dangerous, happiness. James, known for his powerful tracking ability, becomes obsessed with making Bella his next victim. Fearing for Bella's safety and that of her loved ones, the Cullens must combine their collective talents in order to stop the highly predatory James before his goal is accomplished.. So, u can get try read the story..

Thursday, October 1, 2009


ari ni ak da wt stu kesalahn iaitu ponteng skull... mak ak ngt ak g skull tp ak x g skull pn... ak ngn mmbe ak g lepk kt mid.. xtau la pew nk jd ngn ak.. taun ni ak nk spm tp perangai ak mash x berubh.. suka sgt nk ponteng.. xkn la setiap ak ad masalh ak nk wt cmni?? ak x leh nk lari dari dunia ni.. setiap manusia msti ad silp.. ak harp biler ak da abs spm nnti ak nk kuar dr rmh ni.. jauh drpd beban yg selama ni ak pikul.. ak idop di dunia ni pn x prnh nk owg hargai.. ak bleh bktikn yg ak mampu berusaha sndiri..